Anti-Aging Secrets Revealed

Do You Want To Reverse Aging?

The body ages in response to levels of oxidative stress, which has been identified as the major contributor to the aging process.

Oxidative stress is essentially an imbalance between the body’s natural ability to detoxify harmful effects vs. the production of free radicals.

Free radicals are highly reactive molecules which can interact with cell components such as DNA.

One way to fight against these free radicals is to increase intake of antioxidants which protect against free radical damage.

There are some foods and methods to help reduce the aging process, and we will be covering all of them (and more) on Tuesday, October 25th!

Nutrition + Exercise + Meditation = Anti-Aging Solution!

Let’s start with NUTRITION...

Nutrition and anti-aging are inherently linked as there is an abundance of literature linking the two. The powerful benefits of antioxidants against free radical damage cannot be denied. Thankfully, there are many delicious foods that naturally contain antioxidants and can be consumed daily to gain anti-aging benefits.

Look for foods rich in:

-Vitamin E
-Vitamin C
-Beta Carotene

Now, let’s dig into EXERCISE...

Studies have shown that regular vigorous exercise can slow down the aging process. (In particular, 30 minutes of cardio five times per week has been shown to provide a biological aging advantage when compared to sedentary adults!) Exercise is scientifically linked to reducing inflammation and oxidative stress over time which is great news for us who grow wiser every day.

Running, brisk walking on an incline, swimming, and cycling are great cardio workouts. Working the larger muscles of the body is also recommended, those which are used for pulling, pushing, and squatting. Your core should also be trained on days cardio is completed.

Finally, it is time for MEDITATION...

Meditation has been linked to stress relief as many studies have found regular meditation can impact chromosomes (more specifically telomeres which are the protective ends of chromosomes). Shorter telomeres are markers of accelerated aging. Meditation teaches practitioners the skill to focus on the present moment, which has been linked to longer telomeres. There are many styles of meditation, it’s just a matter of finding the one which works best for you.

Have you ever wondered why those who meditate always seem so centered and satisfied?

Hosted by:

Casey Walker, DC

Why Is Experience Important?

My goal is to share with you how the powerful, all natural methods for anti-aging which is why I invite you to attend my next webinar, Anti-Aging Secrets Revealed, on Tuesday, October 25th at 7:15 pm CDT.

We are motivated to share the TRUTH as far too many people are being put at risk of aging prematurely and other serious health complications as a result of their lifestyle choices.

There is no reason you or your family should suffer and it is definitely NOT okay to settle for mediocre health that has somehow become the norm as we age.

Invite the people you care about most to this life-changing webinar, Anti-Aging Secrets Revealed.

Can’t Wait To Share With You On Tuesday, October 25th At 7:15 pm CDT!