Physiology of Healing

You are NOT your injuries!

Did you know that 100 million people in the US alone suffer from some sort of chronic pain? This staggering figure is part of a shocking 1.5 billion people worldwide who suffer daily, and the truly shocking this about all of this is that their pain and discomfort might actually be avoidable!

A huge amount of people with chronic injuries experience the persistence of symptoms because their acute injuries failed to heal properly.

Healing injuries and individual wounds are ultimately such a personal process which differs for every body, and so it’s next to impossible to prescribe a ‘one-size-fits-all’ course of treatment or action.

By gaining as much knowledge and insight to your particular injury or wound, you can help yourself and your body to heal and set foot on the path towards a full recovery.

Start to understand as much as you can about the physiology of your healing process on Tuesday, July 16th at 7:15 pm CDT during Physiology of Healing!

Get To Know your Body

How can we expect to take proper care of our bodies if we don’t understand quite how they work?

Nutritional habits, mental disturbances, environment, exercise patterns, individual circumstances, and location of the injury itself are all hugely a part of how our bodies return themselves to a state of homeostasis (balance) after being thrown off.

By understanding the physical processes beneath all of this, we can correctly re-align ourselves with the needs and choices which will continue to benefit our minds and bodies (and also encourage speedier healing processes and immune function for future foreign invaders or injuries).

Hosted by:

Casey Walker, DC


It’s important to spread awareness of physical healing and processes in order to help more people take back control of their health. By understanding more about what our bodies are capable of (and not just WHY, but HOW), we hope to cultivate a community with overall more self and health awareness as well as contribute to the cultivation and growth of more stable, grounded, and physically strong human beings.

There is no reason why your acute injuries should EVER turn into chronic pain, and by following the awareness guidelines to fully appreciate your body and its processes, the aim is to prevent this happening to all who attend Physiology of Healing on Tuesday, July 16th at 7:15 pm CDT.

Physiology of Healing is for everyone - not just those seeking to heal from injury! Close friends, family members, or those who seek to support someone through a recovery period will also find this hugely beneficial.

There is no reason you should suffer and it is definitely NOT okay to settle for mediocre or health.

One way you can help is by inviting the people you care about most to our webinar, Physiology of Healing.

Learn More About Yourself On Tuesday, July 16th At 7:15 pm CDT!