Make This Holiday Season The Healthiest Yet

What Can You Do This Year To Make The Holiday Season Stress-Free and Healthy?

Did you know that many healthcare expenses go towards remedying and combatting avoidable diet and stress-related chronic diseases?

Did you know that proper nutrition (coupled with exercise and good health habits) is powerful enough to extend your lifespan?

Did you know that many cancer ailments can be avoided if people exercise, stay away from tobacco, and eat properly?

People are aware of the facts around health but struggle with effective and consistent implementation.

For instance, no one actually thinks eating fast food, smoking cigarettes, consuming an abundance of alcohol, sleeping for less than five hours each night, and drinking soda is healthy.

But unfortunately, these poor habits are eminent in our society and as a consequence, sickness and disease preserves.

This challenge is then magnified during the holidays when stress levels reach an all-time high due to visits with family, increased expenses, changing of seasons AND the quantity of high-caloric and sugary foods is unfortunately too abundant.

This is why I’m hosting a webinar that will benefit you and your family, and I truly hope you can join!

Make This Holiday Season The Healthiest Yet on Tuesday, December 10th at 7:15 pm CST

While healthy eating is especially important during the holidays, exercising, and remaining stress-free are equally as vital! You only get one body, and despite society’s glorification of unhealthy habits, proper nutrition and healthy habits are foundational to your quality of life.

Debunking Common Myths About Healthy Eating, Stress, and Remaining Active

Myth: Carbohydrates aren’t good for you.
Truth: Carbohydrates from beans, nuts, dairy, fruits, and vegetables are much better than carbohydrates from sugar and refined grains.

Myth: Fruit isn’t good for you because it’s loaded with sugar.
Truth: The fiber, antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins far outweigh the natural sugar within the fruit.

Myth: Stress is caused by circumstances or situations.
Truth: Stress is caused by your THOUGHTS regarding circumstances or situations.

Myth: There’s no point in exercising as you age.
Truth: Exercising as you age can increase your likelihood of avoiding dementia, high blood pressure, diabetes, and even heart disease.

Now that some of the most common health and wellness myths have been debunked, I invite you to attend a live webinar which will help you achieve the following milestones:

-Remain nutritious, active, and stress-free during the holiday season.
-Avoid unnecessary stress during the hustle and bustle of the holidays.
-Stay active, feel better, and transform into the best version of yourself.

Hosted by:

Casey Walker, DC

Why Am I Sharing This Information With You?

I am sharing this information because far too many people are suffering from problems that are preventable with the implementation of healthy habits:

-People are suffering from obesity, diabetes, cancer, and even premature death.
-People are living as lesser versions of themselves.
-People are losing loved ones to the consequences of poor health habits.
-People are suffering from low self-esteem.
-People are becoming more and more stressed during the holidays.
-People are simply not thriving.

This is utterly inexcusable and cannot go on. People should not settle for lackluster health when vitality is not only possible but probable when consistent and positive habits are implemented.

I Can’t Wait to See You on Tuesday, December 10th at 7:15 pm CST!